In 1965 Dr. W.D. Hamlin of Mineral Point decided that the Dodgeville-Mineral Point Area was in need of a radio station. It was at this time that Robert Jones, a consultant engineer from LaGrange, IL was contacted to conduct a frequency search. These tests, made in the bitter winter of 1965, were the first steps in determining whether there was a radio frequency open for this area. With Ted Graber of Mineral Point doing the voice work for these tests, three AM frequencies were found to be available. (It was the 60's, nobody knew where the FM dial was!) Of these, AM 810 was selected because of it being a clear channel, the only clear channel in Southwest Wisconsin. There was only one FM frequency available in this area, 107.1
After the testing was complete, a sight had to be picked, at first it was decided to locate the station across from the Dodge-Point Country Club, however due to prior FCC (Federal Communications Commision, the governing body of radio) rules, the present site was selected. (In 1968 the transmission site had to be not more than 2 miles away from the business section of the city of license, which in our case is Dodgeville.) After months of legal work the construction permit was issued in September of 1968 and the on-air target date of October 15th was missed due to shipping delays. The tower (303 feet) was erected, and on the 31st of October the FCC gave us the "OK" to go on air at 9 a.m. November 1st. Even though "The Sound Of Country" has changed to "Outlaw Country D-99.3," and the frequncy has changed from "107.1" to "99.3," the grey building, behind a couple of trees between Dodgeville and Mineral Point (With a few renovations and additions) still stands with the 300 foot tower in the backyard!.